Technology is constantly evolving, and at ever increasing rates of change. One of the biggest drivers for growth and innovation has always been the defense industry, and many of the greatest inventions we enjoy in the private sector derive from research and development from the military: radio and internet, to name a few. Nevertheless, a military’s primary focus and function is in the security of its people and as such, the main emphasis of innovation has always been placed on arms and ammunitions. Modernization and innovation in weaponry and ammunitions is critical as it helps in safeguarding a nation’s best interests.
Frangible Bullets

The materials and production methods used to produce frangible ammunition vary depending on the manufacturer. Some are made from thermoplastics that combine standard plastic base resins and metal powders, such as copper and tungsten, and are produced utilizing an injection molding process. Other types of frangible ammunition are made from metal composites, for example a copper and tin blend, and are produced utilizing a powder metallurgy process. Beyond being lead free, the other main advantage of frangible ammunition comes from the improved safety to the shooter. The definition of frangible is “easily broken,” but do not misinterpret this definition in the context of bullets. When fired, frangible ammunition has the exact same ballistic performance of standard lead rounds up to 100 meters. However, upon impact with a steel target, these bullets will completely powderize, thus eliminating any risk for ricochet.

More On Frangible Bullets
There are many types of frangible bullets. As mentioned above, they differ in the types of materials used and the manufacturing processes utilized to produce them. Nevertheless, they are a viable alternative to lead rounds that offer significant advantages by improving the safety to the shooter and lessening the environmental impact.
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