A frangible material is one that can easily fracture and disintegrate upon impact. Such materials will form various fragments following a severe impact with another structure. There are certain materials which possess this property and others which do not. This also applies to manufactured products such bullets and certain machine bodies. Such materials are often used in the bullet making industry to produce bullets that are frangible in nature. All frangible ammunition uses a bullet that will break into tiny pieces upon impact. This always happens when the bullet hits a material whose shock absorbing properties are much higher than it. For example, a material which is harder than the material of a frangible bullet – such as a steel target – will cause the bullet to disintegrate into tiny particles upon impact.
First of all, they make it very easy for forces to train using guns without having to worry about the impact of the bullet. This means that the bullet will disintegrate upon hitting a certain surface without any worry of ricochet endangering the lives of the training forces. In the end, no casualties are encountered during the training of forces. Before the introduction of such bullets, training forces in particular for close-quarters combat was quite difficult because of the ricochet potentialthat is associated with standard lead-based bullets. Due to the density and lack of frangibility that they possess, standard bullets can bounce off surfaces and endanger the lives of the forces during training. This is one of the main reasons for the demand for frangible ammunition.
Additionally, all frangible bullets that are produced today are 100% lead free. This is very important because lead is associated with many significant health risks and is ranked as the number two most dangerous substance by the U.S. EPA. For example, lead exposure can lead to lead poisoning, organ failure, and other significant health complications. The brain, the liver, the lungs and even the central nervous system can all be affected by lead exposure. It can also affect the reproductive system of any human being regardless of age. Frangible bullets do not contain lead or toxic metals of any kind and as such they are a much more benign substitute to standard lead rounds.
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