Eliminating noise and reducing footprint is extremely essential for bow hunters. We use the quietest hunting clothes to reduce noise and choose scent control products to hide our scent. But what about the bow itself? While most modern-day bows come with vibration dampening mechanisms, there are so many things you can do to make your bow as silent as possible.
Reduce Creaks
Regular use forces the bow to undergo intense amounts of pressure, and this can cause some of the components to shift and creak while taking a shot. Limb pockets are often found to be culprits of giving away your presence after a long season of being dragged through the dirt and set down repeatedly. If you’re experiencing similar sounds or creak, your bow needs to be placed in a press to remove tension from its limbs. Applying grease to the bearings and limb rockers can also work wonders.
Use Rubber String Dampeners
Strings are one of the main sources of vibration and one of the most effective focus areas for vibration dampening. When the string is released, stored energy from the cams and limbs are transferred to the string, propelling the arrow forward. The remaining energy is sent back to the string in the form of sound and vibration. Using a rubber string dampener reduces the amount of time the vibration or sound lasts, while reducing the volume of the shot as well. Adding dampeners to cables can further reduce noise without causing a reduction in overall speed.
Tighten Screws
Another commonly overlooked area is the screw. Bows use a number of screws and these screws begin to lighten their hold, causing creaks when the bow is in use. Remember to check string stops, cable rods, cams and limb pockets and tighten any loose screws.
Use Limb Dampeners
It’s common for the limb to make some noise as it is one of the key factors responsible for your bow’s energy. The parallel limb bow led to a huge drop in the sound being produced during a shot, but vibration dampening materials can also be placed on the limb itself or between limbs (depending on the type of bow) to reduce and eliminate noise.
Work on Your Accessories
When the bow is at full draw, the increased pressure causes flex, which makes the accessories shift on the bow, thereby causing noise. Always make sure you look for areas where a metal comes in contact with another metal and apply a layer of athletic tape to work as a vibration dampening material. Some of the most common areas you need to look at include stabilizers, rest, sight and quiver mount.
Once you’re used vibration dampening materials to reduce noise as much as possible, it’s time to visit the range to practice your shot. Remember, it is impossible to eliminate certain sounds. Moreover, the bow also sounds louder to the shooter. To truly determine the amount of noise your bow is making, have someone shoot your bow, while you stand on the side, determining just how much of a difference your actions made. Remember, every action that reduces or limits unwanted sounds or vibrations can present a more successful and consistent hunting experience.
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