BrewQubeis looking to raise funds through Kickstarter to build and market the BrewQube Draft System, a countertopcraft beer storage and dispensing process that utilizes state-of-the-art technology to ensure long-term freshness of quality.
The BrewQube Draft System provides digital control and monitoring for settings such as temperature and gas. And, since it is WiFi-equipped, settings can also be monitored remotely. Users also receive customizable alerts from the integrated sensors if beer or gas volumes get low. Unlike other similar products, the BrewQube keeps beer fresh for a month and one can directly fill it from a tap with their beer of choice, should they wish.
Craft beer, or beer prepared by a small brewery, is popular because it usually tastes better than regular beer and costs less. There are more than 20,000 craft beer brands in the United States alone.
The portable BrewQube unit holds the equivalent of 24-pack of 12-ounce cans, an ideal amount to have on hand should one be the type to entertain. It’s also modern looking, with a brushed stainless steel finish. Moreover, it’s constructed of high density polymer material, which means it’s extremely durable and will withstand pretty much anything. It’s obvious Kick starter built BrewQube to last.
Ecomass Technologies

Since 1988, Ecomass Technologies has delivered innovative solutions through advanced thermoplastic composite materials, high density plastic, high density polymers, and engineered thermoplastics. It’s worked with both government and private customers and overcome numerous challenges to meet their needs. Its skill, experience, expertise in the formulation and development of high-density thermoplastic compounds gives its customersfreedom to focus ontheir work while it solves the material challenges. It aims to empower customers to design and produce the best parts possible.

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