The Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge is encouraging deer hunters to use lead free ammunition in order to lessen lead exposure to bald eagles and other wildlife.
While humans are exposed to lead through paint and gasoline, animals are exposed through ammunition. Hundreds of bald eagleslive on the refuge and feed upon gut pile remains the hunters leave behind after dressing. Those remains contain lead bullet fragments, which the eagles may eat. The lead will then kill the eagles.
Fifteen national Midwest wildlife refuges are also asking deer hunters to switch to leadfree ammunition. Everyone’s goal is to protect wildlife health.
Ecomass Technologies
Ammunition manufacturers turn to Ecomass Technologies to deliver safer, nontoxic lead free ammunition. Such was one Ecomass’ first and most significant applications of its high gravity compounds. Originally created for lead free training projectiles for military and law enforcement personnel, Ecomass’ tungsten and copper based composite materials are ideal for eliminating the risk of lead contamination at indoor ranges, close-quarters combat training, and wildlife refuges.
Ecomass’ produces its frangible projectiles using a highly controlled injection molding process that satisfies strictest tolerances and ensures repeatable performances with full function and reliability. Ecomass’ lead free ammunition and frangible ammunition passes the military’s, as well as the world’s leading ammunition manufacturers’, performance tests and are a 100% ballistic match to lead based projectiles at 25m for pistol ammunition and 100m for rifle ammunition. Ecomass remains committed to continuously refining and improving its thermoplastic composite materials and developing new formulations to satisfy additional projectile and lead free ammunition designs and applications.

Contact Ecomass today or fill out our RFQ Form, to learn more about you, your organization, or business can use its lead free ammunition or frangible ammunition. See its website to also read case studies page to learn more about how Ecomass’ customers successfully use lead free thermoplastic composite materials.
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