Why are frangible bullets even important? Perhaps you are wondering why anyone would go to great lengths in a bid to come up with a bullet that is capable of breaking apart upon impact with a hard surface. But, there are numerous reasons which support the need for frangible bullets. First of all, these rounds completely eliminate any risk of ricochet from impacts with a hard surface. A good number of police forces across the globe saw the need to introduce such bullets in a bid to eliminate shooter risk in training exercises, particularly for close-quarters combat training. In special cases, the main reason for firing a gun is not cause collateral damage to the victim. Thanks to bullets that are frangible in nature, law enforcement and military personnel can develop more training exercises without needing to worry about the risk to the shooter.
Additionally, unlike most of the lead bullets that are used during combat, frangible bullets are nontoxic.Frangible bullets are also considered lead replacement rounds and pose none of the health and safety risks associated with lead. Such bullets are often made from composite materials, either of a plastic and metal combination or of a metal composite.
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