In cases where reduction in oscillations is achieved without altering the source of the vibration, such as a motor, dampening is said to have occurred. An oscillatory system can be over damped, under damped or critically damped. In either of the three states, the system is left with a frequency of oscillation that is less than the original oscillatory frequency if no damping were to occur. In special cases, the system can also be left undamped in which case it retains its original resonance frequency.
There are numerous tests that are carried out before the optimal vibration dampening material can be chosen. If there were no measures taken to dampen the system, there could be serious consequences during flight if the control board was exposed to very huge external vibrations. Another practical application of dampening is in the prevention of vibrations in a hydraulic system. Both external shock and vibrations can have an impact on the performance of a hydraulic system. Hence there are needs to dampen vibrations at all costs in such systems. Similarly, there are also certain electronic devices that cannot function properly if they are not shielded from external vibrations. For example, some electronic devices found on a car may not function properly if they are not shielded against the effects of external vibrations. Generally speaking, proper vibration dampening protects components of a system from any vibration that is produced by the system, thereby improving performance and shelf-life of the system in use.
Vibration dampening is also important from a noise disturbance control perspective as well. In areas where sound can prove to be a problem, its waves can be dampened through the use ofoptimal vibration dampening materials. There are many materials that can be used to dampen vibrations. Some of these include polyvinyl chloride and some visco-eslastic liquids which are commonly used to prevent the effect of sound vibrations on certain operating devices.
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