Making selection of radiation shielding high-density thermo-plastic material may not be an easy process. You need a lot of in-depth knowledge about different types of materials that are used to date. You also have to consider the design of mold and methods to be used for processing it.
Thermoplastic materials are widely used for applications in radiation shielding, appliance components, and projectiles. These are considered to be eco-friendly and safe for being used in these applications. This material is also considered as the best replacement for lead radiation shielding materials as they are more cost-effective.
How to best use these materials for radiation shielding
The moment you speak of thermoplastic materials, it is obvious that these are much lower in density. In order to be used for radiation shielding, it is important that the overall density of the material has to be increased.

In general, an additive filler that is of high density is used as an additive to this material for this usage. Minor adjustments have to be performed when processing this material for gamma ray shielding, along with selecting the best molding method and tool design selection.
Points to consider adjusting for processing
The moment you want to process thermoplastic material for radiation shielding purpose, you may have to focus on regulating temperature, pressure, and processing speed to get the best results. The type of material selection also has to be done wisely as not all quality of thermoplastic materials are considered as best radiation shielding materials.
Make the selection of material that is in the density ration between 3 and 11. You can also maintain the same geometric shape if the material is of high density. A material that has its specific gravity equal to 11 is considered as best selected material.

Important processing tips for thermoplastics
As you are concerned about selecting the best gamma ray shielding material, so it is important to maintain proper conditions when processing it. Try and make a selection of barrel temperature that is high enough and can reduce the internal injection pressure and viscosity.
It is also important to flush the material out of the barrel after each shot injected. You can make use of appropriate runner system for performing this task. The material injection has also to be minimized when injecting into the barrel.

For manufacturers, it is also important to maintain injection speed that is very high. This simple factor will help in minimizing the thin skin layer from being developed on top of the material after cooling down. Any fills that are inconsistent should be avoided at all cost. Such fills will never offer with better quality shielding material.
It is also advisable to maintain low pressure in the die unit and moderate screw RPM. The mold temperature should also be well maintained such that it offers a consistent temperature. Try and make use of oil or water heating system. Using any other method of heating system will never offer you with best results for thermoplastic materials.
It is certain that to produce high-density thermoplastic material for radiation shielding has to be well handled during the processing stage.
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