Eco Mass material has changed the way manufacturers select raw material within manufacturing industry. For designers, working with this material offers numerous benefits. Designers can use their heavy density and lightweight property during design process.
There are many reasons that make this material as best injection mouldable material.
• The material offers a wide range of unique properties, including vibration damping, flex strength, impact-resistant, and heat deflection.
• It also offers to lead free usability features and can be used in manufacturing wide range of products.
• The chemical property of the material makes it non-toxic by nature and safe to use raw material.
• It can replace plastic in most manufacturing areas including machine parts and components.
Medical applications
Eco Mass material is also appreciated for its X-ray shielding property and is thus widely being used in medical appliances and machines. It is also used in manufacturing cabinets and containers that are x0ray resistant.

Ammunition uses
The material has its unique property of being non-toxic and can be used for manufacturing ammunition casings. The material is also recycled type, and so same ammunition case can be remodeled to be used over and over again.
Specialized machine parts
Being durable and rich in Vibration dampening property, the manufacturers are making use of this material for manufacturing automotive movable parts. It can be used as a material for manufacturing transmission shifters.
This single feature ensures that the performance factor can be improved to a much greater extent. Being higher in mass and strength, eco mass material can be used for manufacturing long-lasting engine components.
Sports equipment
Lightweight, high density, and high strength are what make this material better quality as compared to metal material. Eco mass material can be used for manufacturing golf clubs that can withstand high impact conditions.
Manufacturers are making use of high-quality eco mass material for manufacturing clubs and other golf accessories.
A better replacement for lead materials
As compared to lead material, eco mass material offers with better advantage. Apart from being used as the best X-ray shielding material, there are numerous applications where it can effectively replace mead and similar materials.

Within the manufacturing industry, eco mass material is considered as a quality substitute for lead and expensive metals. It can be manufactured to the most accurate weight that matches the lead metal. This makes the material ideal option to be used in odometer devices.
Waterproofing properties
Eco mass is thermoplastic in nature, and so it can effectively withstand water. This makes the material corrosion-resistant. This unique property enables eco mass material to be used in waterproofing shields and other instruments that work being water submerged.
Housing material
All properties offered by eco mass material also make it best raw material that can be used within the housing industry. This material is considered as best replacement for steel that is used in laying down foundation.
Apart from this, being an ideal replacement for metals, this material also holds its reputation for being used in manufacturing electrical appliances where current flow has to be restricted.
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